Village Boards
Village Board of Trustees
Mike Hart
Millard “Mudd” Murphy
Kenneth Sherman
Jim Turo
3125 East Avenue
Central Square, New York
Mailing Address:
PO Box 509
Central Square, New York 13036-0509
The Village Board of Trustees is composed of five members who are elected on an at-large, non-partisan basis. This board comprises the Mayor and four Trustees, each serving two-year staggered terms.
With a commitment to the community's welfare, the Village Board offers leadership and sets policy direction. Its primary objectives include ensuring the long-term financial stability of the Village, identifying community priorities, and formulating an economic development program to promote growth and prosperity.
Planning Board
Maryellen Commisso, 2029
Robin Hansen, 2025
Maggie Kirkby, 2026
Sue Welke, 2027
Matthew Stevens, 2028
3125 East Avenue
Central Square, New York
Mailing Address:
PO Box 509
Central Square, New York 13036-0509
Originally, our planning board consisted of five members. However, recognizing the pivotal role of the Planning Board in shaping the future development of the Village of Central Square, it was decided to expand its membership to seven members, enhancing the planning process. Pursuant to Village Law 7-718, the Village of Central Square Planning Board's membership was increased to seven members in 2003 (Local Law #2-2003).
Subsequently, in June 2010, through local law #2-2010, the Planning Board was re-established with five members and an alternate member to ensure uninterrupted business operations in the event of a lack of quorum.
The Mayor appoints the five-member commission with the advice and consent of the trustees. One member is designated as the chairperson, or in some cases, co-chairs are appointed. Planning Board Members undertake reviews of planning-related matters such as rezoning, variances, special use permits, signs, and subdivision requests. They also conduct public hearings on these issues when necessary.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Andy Smolnik, 2026
Keith Lindstrom, 2025
Michael Sperling, 2024
3125 East Avenue
Central Square, New York
Mailing Address:
PO Box 509
Central Square, New York 13036-0509
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for the Village of Central Square convenes at the Village Offices as required. The Mayor appoints the five-member commission, with the advice and consent of the trustees. One member is designated as the chairperson. The ZBA is responsible for adjudicating cases involving disagreements with the Village's interpretation of the Building Codes and granting variances as necessary.
Powers and Duties
The Board of Appeals shall have all of the powers and duties as set forth in the Village Law.
(1) Applications. The Board of Appeals shall have the power to hear and decide, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, all applications hereinbefore specified upon which the Board of Appeals is authorized to pass.
(2) Appeals. In case it is alleged by an appellant that there is error or misinterpretation in any order, requirement, decision, grant, or refusal made by an administrative official having authority to issue permits in the carrying out or the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, an appeal may be filed and a decision shall be made by the Board of Appeals in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
(3) Variances. (a) Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this chapter, the Board of Appeals shall have the power in passing upon appeals to vary or modify the application of any of the regulations or provisions of this chapter relating to use, construction or alteration of buildings or structures or the use of land so that the spirit of this chapter shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done. (b) In granting any variance, the Board of Appeals shall prescribe any conditions that it deems to be necessary or desirable to protect the zoning district and promote the General Plan.